Monday, November 21, 2022

T Stands for Junk Journaling & Catch Up #ntrjjc22

1 "O come, let us sing unto the LORD:
let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation.
2 Let us come before his presence with thanksgiving,
and make a joyful noise unto him with psalms.
3 For the LORD is a great God,
and a great King above all gods.
4 In his hand are the deep places of the earth:
the strength of the hills is his also.
5 The sea is his, and he made it:
and his hands formed the dry land.
6 O come, let us worship and bow down:
let us kneel before the LORD our maker.
7 For he is our God;
and we are the people of his pasture, and the sheep of his hand." Psalms 95: 1-7 KJV

 I don't know how the weeks fly by, but they do.  And now it has been several weeks since I last posted on October 24th.  I have even had a birthday since I last posted!  Our son came to visit for a week!  I finished Julie Dear Julie November to Remember Junk Journal Challenge, #ntrjjc22 Our challenge was to do at least 60 pages; I did 64.  We were challenged to make at least 60 different elements, among which should be a flip flop, fabric flip, pockets, double tuck, fluffy tassel, paperclips, tattoos, edges, antique ribbon closures.  We were to use something pink, a daisy, #8, bling, something that flies, a garden object, something to do with the sky.  We could use anything from our stash, plus, junk mail, unfinished embellishment base, large file card, index cards, envelopes, ink & dauber, stamping stenciling, die cuts, x-tra cardstock, torn book pages, and yarn!  We also have to use at least 6 pages of her digitals.

I made this journal for my own use.  It has charts for my weekly SplitcoastStampers challenges as well as a place to keep track of birthday and anniversary dates of friends, family, and church family so I can send cards. It is a 6 month journal December thru May.

Here is the cover:

The cover is from adhesive backed Fabric Paper from my stash.  I got 12x12 sheets of this years ago from Tuesday Morning.  I have covered several journals with it.  The adhesive no longer works so had to use glue anyway,  I glued it to the paper for the inside with the lace in between the layers.

Inside cover and page one:

That is a library pocket decorated with a stamped die cut panel, colored with Copics.  A triple tag with gold ring and lace is the insert.  The first page is one of her Colorful Daisy pages, which by the way is a digital set I won as a prize for doing another month's journal challenge.  If we finish our monthly challenge, we win a digital set of usually 30 to 60 files, and a live party on you tube.

Here is the fabric flip using a seed bag.

Under the flip is a book page pocket and insert.

I wanted to show you the hidden journal card made with and index card. I will use the card to write down January cards I need to send.

Don't worry, I will not show all 64 pages! LOL  But here is the center of the signature, I just did one signature.  I folded the doily over the binding threads and glued it down as a tuck.  Again, Julies beautiful colorful Daisy digitals.

Last one I will show you is one of my favorite pages with the half page tuck.  The insert is a card I got for my birthday.  You can also see some of the edges and tabs in the journal on the right.

Below are photos of one of our 6-mile walks while our son was here.

We pretty much had the trail to ourselves!

We had finally gotten some rain, so there was water in the creek!

I want to join in with Bleubeard & Elizabeth this week at Altered Book Lover for T Stands for Tuesday.  I hope I can come back after being absent for so long!

Here is a drink I got with a gift card for my birthday.  It was a London Fog with Earl Grey tea.  So good!

Thanks for stopping by.  Happy T Day to the T gang.  For those of you that celebrate Thanksgiving, Happy Thanksgiving.  Be thankful.  I am thankful for all of you. 


kathyinozarks said...

wow that was quite the challenge for your journal-looks really nice and should be fun to use too. Nice photos of your walk-its been very cold here in the 20's but finally a little warm up this week Happy T Kathy

My name is Erika. said...

Your junk journal came out amazing Sharon. I like your choice of those springtime colors too. And you must have been happy to have your son visit . And I love that nice flat walk you do. I get sick of the hills very quickly-smile. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving yourself Sharon. And of course, happy T day. hugs-Erika

Kate Yetter said...

Lovely junk journal. It looks like you have put a lot of work into it.
That tea sounds delicious!
Happy Thanksgiving and Tea Day,

DVArtist said...

Happy Belated birthday. Hope is was a great day for you. I am so impressed with your journal. I have never made one. Happy TG to you and your family.

Iris Flavia said...

Happy belated Birthday from here, too and a big WOW on the beautiful book!
Happy T-Day!

Valerie-Jael said...

Your journql is FAB*U*LOUS, well done. And happy belated birthday- Happy T Day, too. Valerie

Lisca said...

Wow, that is some journal! So pretty!
Thank you for the lovely Psalm.
A belated happy birthday to you. How nice of your son to come and stay for a few days. And that walk looks really nice. Beautiful fall colors.
Happy T-Day,

Let's Art Journal said...

Happy belated birthday wishes! Your junk journal is amazing, loving the papers and images with the lace and the designs and colours remind me happily of spring 😊. I enjoyed walking with you too. Happy T Day! Hugs Jo x

Divers and Sundry said...

Your psalm reminded me of an article I saw recently that asked how our prayer life would change if we limited our prayers to praise and trusted God to take care of the rest.

Happy belated birthday! What a pretty journal :) That looks like an inviting trail. Happy T Tuesday!

jinxxxygirl said...

Sharon you are always welcome! We all have to take time away for whatever reason. Happy Belated Birthday Wishes! Love your amazing book. Such beautiful , clever things in there! Happy T day! Hugs! deb

Carola Bartz said...

Happy belated birthday, Sharon! Your journal looks beautiful, but wow! you put quite some work in there.

Carola Bartz said...

And I also wish you a happy Thanksgiving.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

My sincere apology for taking so long to visit. I realized I HAD to drag myself out of bed and see what you had offered for T this week. I'm definitely not a very good host, but I want you to know I greatly appreciate your visit and for linking this week. I had no idea it was your birthday. Happy belated birthday, happy Thanksgiving, and happy T Tuesday, dear friend.

pearshapedcrafting said...

Sorry to be so late. After food shopping yesterday I only had time to write my post before going for meal and to see The Lion King at the theatre with my youngest son.
Your journal is wonderful- sounds like a fun challenge! I would love to walk on the trail. I hope you had a fantastic birthday. Enjoy Thanksgiving, Belated Happy T Day, Chrisx

Margaret said...

Your junk journal is fascinating. I can't believe you did 64 pages of that. Amazing.