Monday, February 26, 2024

Playing in my Craft room!

 Hello readers!  Yes, it is me again.  I will post once in a while, I guess.  Right now, the only reason there will be a post for Tuesday Tea Party, is I am actually scheduling it ahead of time.  It is Saturday afternoon, and I am playing in my craft room.  I was inspired by a mixed media challenge on SplitcoastStampers and by Viki Parson's Keep it Light February Challenge over at **ART*JOURNAL*JOURNEY*

Actually, it all began with me earlier in the week looking at my mixed media supplies and finding some had dried up.  I had a large jar Teresa Collins modeling paste, but it was hard as brick.  That took me down a rabbit hole on You Tube looking for how to restore it.  I really couldn't find anything but decided it would not hurt to put water in it and try.  So, water, mix with popsicle stick, twist, still hard; added more water and did it some more.  I did this off and on for a couple of days.  Finally, I got it so I could use it.  

When researching on You Tube, I did find some good advice: Buy smaller jars, and when you use it, make a lot of tags, papers, whatever, while you got it out.  Next time it might be dry!  I thought that was very good advice.  It might be more expensive buying smaller jars, but in the long run cheaper, because you aren't throwing out the jar of hardened stuff!

Once I got the paste workable, I began playing with my favorite colors of TH oxides, and fun stencils.  Since the challenge I was doing called for a napkin, I then looked through my napkins that I have received in swaps.  Imagine my surprise and joy when I found a napkin with not only the colors I used, but some same shapes that I used from my stencil! I used some various TH stamps, faces, & Bible Verse stamp.  I sprayed the whole thing with some white glitter mist.  I added the punched dove by the Bible verse.  I dated it, because that is what Elizabeth taught me to do!  

 Here is my art journal page in an 7x10 Canson 98 lb mix media book.

Now for my ticket to the tea party:

This is a photo from 2018 when we visited Maine.

My view of Penobscot Bay from where we stayed in Belfast, Maine.

Remembering a wonderful day, when looking at this.  Right now, it is beautiful here.  I walked outside and got hot today.  It is 69 and on Tuesday will be 80!  For crying out loud, this is February, but I am loving it.  Our normal temps are 50s for February.

I look forward to hearing what you think about the mixed media pastes.  Any advice?  Does it ever happen to you?  Let me know in the comments.
Thanks for stopping by.


My name is Erika. said...

This is a really lovely take on Vicki's challenge at AJJ. I love the stenciling and the faces. And the quote is perfect also. Thanks for joining Vicki's challenge. I agree with getting smaller jars too. There's nothing more disappointing than opening a jar and finding it hard as a rock. Some pastes can't be reconstituted with water either, so you were lucky. And I've stayed at that same hotel last spring in Belfast. It's got a beautiful view of Belfast Bay down by the water, doesn't it? Have a happy T day Sharon.

Mae Travels said...

I am confused because I thought Biscayne Bay was in Miami, Florida. But I like your photos.
best, mae at

Sharon Madson said...

Thanks, Mae, I was wrong! I corrected it. But now Erika says Belfast Bay. What do I know? LOL

Sharon Madson said...

Yes, we loved it there! So cool, that you stayed there, also.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

What a lovely journal page. Perfect for Vicki's theme at AJJ. I used to have that face stamp, but it apparently went "walk about." Mine was red rubber on a wooden block.

What a lovely hotel in Maine. I take it that was tea you were drinking. Thanks for sharing your great art and your visit to Maine with us for T this week, dear friend. Make sure you tie your hat down tomorrow since it is going to be windy (and HOT).

Amila said...

Such a beautiful journal page! Your participation for Vicki's challenge is truly wonderful. The stenciling and the faces add a unique touch, and the chosen quote complements it perfectly. Your photos are fantastic too; I enjoy them!
Happy T Tuesday!

Let's Art Journal said...

Beautiful journal page, loving all the colours and stenciling! As for texture paste I use Ranger texture paste which is in small pots however I opened my Ranger crackle paste which had a quarter left and it was rock solid, so disappointing. Loved visiting Maine with you, brings back so many happy memories 😊. Happy T Tuesday! Hugs, Jo x

CJ Kennedy said...

Lovely page. I don't do much mixed media stuff, but it's good you were able to reconstitute the paste. Happy TDay

DVArtist said...

That is great you figured out how to use the paste. I really dislike it when art supplies dry up just when you want them. Your art page is just beautiful. Wow! 80°? That is crazy for Feb. Have a very nice day today.

Lana said...

Sounds like your persistence paid off with the paste. Your art journal page is beautiful! We're enjoying the nice walking weather here.

*Vicki* said...

Hello fellow Sista! I love your page using those napkins as I have just recently tried it for the first time and I think it might become addictive! LOL Thank you for sharing your tip about the pastes as I seem to have that problem with some of them! Your quote is fabulous and just perfect for my theme at AJJ!! Thank you so much for posting those gorgeous photos and sharing your lovely page! HUGS

Valerie-Jael said...

Love the beautiful journal page. Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

Mae Travels said...

I know nothing about Maine, but I knew Biscayne (which you corrected) was in Florida. You can’t teach an old editor (like me) new tricks.

pearshapedcrafting said...

Oh those dried up jars - well done for getting it working again! I really love your page for Vicki's AJJ theme. Thanks for sharing at AJJ. I envy you looking out to sea - it must have been a great holiday, hugs Chrisx

Carola Bartz said...

The journal page is beautiful, Sharon. I don't often work with modeling paste. I have Golden hard molding paste (is that the same) and it still looks fine. Of course I had to see when you wrote about yours, put a popsicle stick in it and everything was still okay. Will I use it soon? Who knows?
Yes, I did get your message. I'm glad that you like the cards!