Monday, October 26, 2020

T Stands For Snow!

  "Let my mouth be filled with thy praise and with thy honor all the day." Ps. 71:8

Whaaaat?  Yes, we have snow on the 26th of October!  I cannot believe it!  And besides that it is cold!  BRR!

Yes, my hubby was shoveling snow.  It was 25 degrees outside!  Eek!

It has been a perfect day for crafting.  I have been getting ready for our Falliday Fest on SplitcoastStampers.  It will begin November 2nd, and will include challenges and Holliday Blitz of tutorials.  All are welcome to come and take part!  Here is the  Falliday Fest 2020 Chat Thread.  I am one of the hostesses, so I am getting my samples ready for my challenge.

Talking of special challenges, when we had our Dare To Get Dirty Challenges, I won a prize.

It is from The Rabbit Hole Designs and here is my haul!  Two stamp sets, and two stencils and as a thank you, sequins and the cutest little rabbit paper clip and sweet tarts, which I already ate!

And for the tea party T Stands For Tuesday over at Bleubeard & Elizabeth's, here is my tea in my huge cup!  I am drinking Twinings Blackcurrant Breeze to keep me warm today.

Happy T Day! Thank you for stopping by.  Have a great week!  Stay warm!


Mae Travels said...

Snow! That's too much for me. We have much colder weather, but not yet a frost in town (probably yes, in the countryside). This is actually warm for Michigan. Enjoy your big cup of tea!

be well... mae at

Eileen Bergen said...

25 F - eek indeed! Congratulations on your cool prize, as well as on hosting one of the upcoming challenges.

I love your cup and the saying on it.

Happy T-Day. Stay warm, safe and stay well. Hugs, Eileen

DVArtist said...

Ohhh no not snow. LOL I lived in heavy snow country most of my life and I will not do it again. Nice prize. Stay warm and enjoy that tea.

Linda Kunsman said...

Nooooo-snow:(:( Alas, I hear we may see a few flakes on Friday later- on our son's mostly outdoor wedding day....
How nice to win such a great crafty prize! Have fun playing, and happy T day!

Kate Yetter said...

Brrr. I can't think of snow right now. I like snow around Christmas but October is a little early. Glad that you were able to make the most of your snow day by spending time in your craft room.
Looks like you won some great stamps.
Happy Tea Day,

My name is Erika. said...

Oh no! Snow! It seems early doesn't it? But they say it could come my way Friday as it is only going to be 25 degrees here Thursday night. I hope it warms up soon and you have a more seasonal T day Sharon. Hugs-Erika

kathyinozarks said...

Wow you did get snow, we have been cold and raining possible a freeze this week-but no snow or ice so far-thank goodness haha Happy T wishes Kathy

Iris Flavia said...

Ewww, snow, not funny!
But the stamps are, so cute. Happy T-day!

Anne (cornucopia) said...

Ugh! Snow! Say it ain't so! NOAA has gone back and forth with possible snow here in New England on October 30. Ugh. Happy T-Day!

Karen said...

I'm so not ready to see snow or to be cold! I'm glad your drinking hot tea and crafting instead of braving the elements. Congrats on your win, that's terrific! Enjoy your Falliday Fest & keep crafting :)

Divers and Sundry said...

Snow! How pretty! We don't get snow to speak of here any more. The name of that tea sounds delightful. Yummy. Happy T Tuesday!

Let's Art Journal said...

Wow, snow already! Time to hibernate in the craftroom if you ask me 😀. Your hubby did a great job shovelling the snow in the cold too. Many congratulations on your win, enjoy and have fun with those goodies! Loving your mug too, such a happy colour and I love the words - perfect! Take care and Happy T Day wishes! Hugs, Jo x

Aracelli Merla said...

Snow! My goodness, I'm still wearing shorts down here. We did get a cold front today...down to 68 Fahrenheit. The snow does look pretty. I can't believe it is almost time for Falliday Fest already. I'll have to check out the thread. Congrats on your DTGD win! Enjoy your prize!

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I am leaving this generic message for everyone who visited and participated in T Tuesday. I want to thank you for visiting. You may have noticed I was offline of and on for three days. I kept losing electricity. Each time, I was able to visit a few people before the electricity went out again. The third time, I was leaving a comment for Valerie when I heard a huge BOOM. There was a flash of light, the windows and walls shook. It felt like an earthquake to me, but it only lasted a second or two. I believe they have finally fixed the electricity in my neighborhood. I won’t know until I get to explore the internet, but it may have been very local. I know I saw two bucket trucks driving up my street less than an hour after it happened. With no heat, the temperatures both nights dipped into the mid-20s F (low 4s C). Thanks for your participation and thanks for hopefully understanding why I was unable to visit for T this week.

Margaret said...

I hope you enjoy the snowy days. For me, I'm glad that I no longer live where snow falls on a regular basis. We get some here in H Town rarely. Congrats on your win - looks like some fun things on your desk and good luck with Fallifay. I just looked at the thread. Not sure I'll have time to play, but I like to keep up. Hugs, Maggie

Shelly Schmidt said...

Look at those snowy pictures! Holy Moly I am not yet ready for ther winter and cold and snow!!! Yikes! We are North of you and no snow yet- that is so crazy! I hope your rnjoy your tea- I sure love tea : ) And, Congrats on your DTGD win- great 'haul' and look forward to seeing what you create!