Monday, October 29, 2018

T Stands For Too Old

  Lamentations  3: 22 It is of the Lord 's mercies that we are not consumed, because his  compassions fail not. 23 They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.

I had a birthday yesterday, and that makes me too old for all this technology!  I just read an older article written several years ago that at that time  Facebook's Zuckerberg was an old man of 28 and that was the average age of his employees.  The average age of Google's workforce was 29.  Sure makes me feel too old for all this technology.  I only bring this up because the last few T Parties, I haven't been able to figure out how to comment on some of the T-Gang's blogs.  I write the comment, and push submit, and the comment goes away, but I can tell it didn't take.  So, I think maybe it is a matter of comment moderation, and I go back later and comment is still not there.  So, I will try this week, again!  Thanks for your patience while I try to figure this out!

Meanwhile, here is a photo of all the wonderful homemade cards and goodies that were sent me for my birthday! 

And a few more of our Maine photos.  Even my kids don't look at all our vacation photos, so this is it;  promise!  We went to the Penobscot Marine Museum, which was very interesting.  So much history that I never knew!  I guess that is why we go to museums to learn more history!  Searsport's early history was very interesting.  It's major industry was shipbuilding and cargo handlings and the town is famous for it's sea captains in the mid 1800s.  It was once home to 10 percent of all American deep water shipmasters.  That is a quote off the website.  We went through a house that a captain had built.  They displayed  photos on the walls,  hundreds of photos of the sea captains from this town. Over 500 ship captains came from Searsport!  They had 11 shipyards and built over 200 ships.    Some families had three to five captains in their families.  The sons, fathers, and grandfathers. Some of the wives even went on their trips with them!  I just found all of this amazing!

This is a big thing in Maine, the Museum in the streets, where you can do a walking tour and see historical homes and sites.  

I had to take this photo because the ship ropes were the railings.  I thought that was pretty cool.

I wanted to sail! 

 And later that day we stopped for lunch at this quaint little place.
Lobster, lobster and more lobster!  Love it, and the lighthouse border, too.

In this photo is a cup and a bottle up in the window.  That is my drink related post! :)  I forgot again to take a photo of our drink or our meal!

Don't you love it?  Lobsters R Us!  This is the back of the cute inside restaurant.  It doesn't look it, but it had a very pricy menu!  We ate salads this time, since we had eaten so much for a week!  This was last local restaurant before coming home.  We stayed the night in Portland and flew home the next morning!  Loved our trip to Maine!

Stop over at Bleubeard (who just had a birthday yesterday, too) & Elizabeth's Altered Book Lover and see some more of the T Gang!  Thanks for stopping by.  Have a great T Day! 


Valerie-Jael said...

Happy Birthday Sharon. You look young and vibrant to me! That's a fantastic place you visited, love the houses there, and what a super restaurant, so atmospheric! Thanks for sharing the lovely photos. Happy T Day, Valerie

chrissie said...

Happy Birthday and you look young and happy.

The museum seems like agreat place to visit and I am sure you enjoyed your meal.

Have a great T day

Love Chrissie xx

Meggymay said...

I hope you had a lovely Birthday, the cards look lovely.
The photos of your trip away look great and the restaurant you visited looked as if it had super interesting things on the walls to look at while eating your meal.
Happy T day wishes.

My name is Erika. said...

I do love that restaurant name. And lobsters are the yummiest.And they aren't bad on the fat or calories either, unless you add butter or mayo. (smile) But happy belated birthday to you. It looks like a good one. My husband just celebrated yesterday too. I hope you have a wonderful T day Sharon. Hugs-Erika

kathyinozarks said...

so sorry about your not being able to comment issues. my friend Barbara was having allot of issues too and finally one of her readers suggested that change to chrome and now she can comment again.
That's awesome to receive so many lovely cards-my husband and I both have October birthdays too.
I would enjoy museums like that and the food sounds delicious-I have never had a lobster meal.
happy T Kathy

froebelsternchen said...

Happy Birthday! ♥♥♥
Wnderful cards and great Maine Photos! I would love to have lobster!
Happy T-Day

Linda Kunsman said...

Happy birthday!! What a wonderful celebration table of beautiful cards and goodies. Would love a trip to Maine to see these sights -and enjoy lobster too:) Thanks for sharing and happy T day!

Let's Art Journal said...

Happy Birthday! I hope you had a super day and wow, you received so many beautiful cards and goodies 😁. I love seeing your Maine photos too, brings back such happy memories! Happy T Day! J 😊 x

Divers and Sundry said...

Happy Birthday! I like to think all this technology will keep our brains working as we figure it out. That restaurant looks like fun :) Happy T Tuesday

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I was by earlier, but got sick and had to step back and rest. I think I overdid myself yesterday (Sunday) when I rode out to a pumpkin patch (Bergman's south of Haysville) where I picked 10 gourds. I got overheated and didn't realize it until I got home and showered to cool down.

Happy belated birthday. I love that you and Bleubeard share the same birthday. At least I'll never forget your birthday now that I know it (grin). I assure you it will go on my calendar, now. You certainly have a LOT of friends who care enough about you to make all those beautiful cards.

I wanted to tell you that the 2 Bros we went to did NOT have a buffet. Apparently the only buffet is out west and YES, it is pricey. When I called they said LUNCH was $15.99. I'm not paying $32.00 for two people to do lunch. I forgot how much dinner was.

Technology can sometimes be very frustrating. I know. When I was in school, I was up on it and had a computer before anyone else in my class and certainly before anyone else on the block where I lived. Now EVERYONE has a computer and the internet and there are certainly days when I feel old school, too. It's especially frustrating when things don't go right. If you see that some of your comments don't post, let me know and I will leave messages so at least the recipients know you were there and tried to leave a comment.

Your Maine photos are fabulous. I love the photo of you sailing the ship. I see you were wearing your favorite nail polish, too (grin).

I have been known to forget to take photos of my food, too, but I always try to remember the drink, which is usually water. Thanks for sharing your birthday, your beautiful photos of Maine, and your trip to Lobsters R Us with us for T this Tuesday, dear Sharon.

CJ Kennedy said...

Happy Birthday! Very cool cards. Considering the time it took for the voyages (2 - 3 years), no wonder some wives went along. I wonder how many children were born at sea? Lobsters R Us, too funny. At one time, lobster was considered cheap fare. Those days are long gone. Happy T Day

Eileen The Artful Crafter said...

Happy Birthday, Sharon! That's quite a haul. Very pretty cards - all hand made I'm sure.

I loved seeing you at the helm. The history and photos are fascinating. We lived in NJ for 25 years and have fond memories of Maine. And the fresh lobster. Boy do we miss that.

Just FYI, I received comments from you the last two weeks. Sometimes they just take time to show up. Hope that helps.

Happy T-day! Hugs, Eileen

Kate Yetter said...

Lobster sounds delicious!!! Looks like a wonderful trip.

Your comments have worked for me. They go into comment moderation and I get them on my cell phone but sometimes it takes me a few days to get on my laptop and approve them. They don't show up until I approve them. So don't worry, you are not technologically challenged from my perspective.

A happy belated birthday to you. All of your handmade cards are beautiful and it looks like you are very loved.
Happy Tea Day,

Halle said...

Happy Birthday! That is an amazing set of cards sent your way!
Happy T day!

johanna said...

happy birthday!! what a wonderful array of cards you got!
and i would love to visit the museum and the restaurant:)
happy t-day!

Lisca said...

Belated happy birthday indeed. Your cards are beautiful. What a treasure.
How interesting to learn about the town that had so many seacaptains. Quite an unusual claim to fame.
The lobster restaurant looked fun. I don't think I've ever had lobster, but I would love to try.
Nice photo of you too. You're looking good. Counting backwards, like I am.
I have the same computer problem as you have. My comments disappear completely, and if they have to be moderated, I won't know until the next day, by which time I have forgotten what I have written... So frustrating. I use an ipad and my blogging platform is Blogger. The two don't see eye to eye for some reason. If I use my PC there is no problem. Problem is, on Tuesdays we are not at home and I have to use my ipad. Oh well....
Have a good week,
Happy T-Day,