Monday, May 29, 2023

T Stands for Time

 8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: 9 Not of works, lest any man should boast. Ephesians 2:8-9

 Hello everyone!  It is time for us to all gather over at Elizabeth's for tea, or whatever beverage you are having.  I have missed several tea parties because I just want to do so much!  I could have missed today, too because I am preparing my lesson for the Bible study I lead on Tuesday mornings.  And I got a late start on everything today.  I usually start the day with an early morning walk, but today it was sprinkling, and kind of dark and I thought it might really rain!  As it turned out, it fizzled out and the sun came out.  By then, it was 10:30, so I walked late, and it was warmer of course.  Then I was tired, and it was lunch time! LOL   On one of my walks last week, I met this fellow.

And these guys: Sammy and Ranger, labs.

and these ducks before I even got on the trail

When I left our house, I took a photo of our flag which we put out Saturday, Sunday and Monday to remember our fallen, because in the U.S. we are celebrating Memorial Day.

And our new plants:

This trail is uphill!

And a peek thorough into the woods:

Today I saw this guy crossing the trail, about a foot in diameter.  I am afraid to get too close to get a better photo, because I have been told these are snapping turtles.

I have been scrapping and was looking for photos that I hadn't scrapped and found my ticket to the party for today. Here is one from the last cruise we took in February of 2019. Join us for TSFT over at Bleubeard & Elizabeths at Altered Book Lover.

I can't leave without posting something crafty.  Here is a card I made that is mix media.  I used Tim Holtz distress glazes, distress oxides, and Distress crayons, and Tim Holtz Checkerboard embossing folder.  The inchie images are from stamps I bought locally years and years ago at Mrs. O'Leary's Artful Ilussions.  She makes her own stamps, and you could purchase just the red rubber very cheap.  I don't think she makes stamps anymore, but I could be wrong.  Anyway, I played with my accumulated stuff.  I heard a quote lately.   " I don't buy too much craft stuff; I just shop faster than I craft. LOL Something like that.  Here is my card.

Thanks for stopping by.  I hope to stop by and see you, soon.  Happy T Day to the T Gang.  See you next time.  (Notice, I quit saying next week! LOL Sometimes, I just don't make it every week.)


Mae Travels said...

Your trails look like a lot of pleasant places to walk and see various critters. We have sometimes seen a large snapping turtle on a path near us, but nowhere near as big as the tortoises in the Galapagos Islands that we saw on our visit there!
best, mae at

kathyinozarks said...

sounds like you have a busy weekly schedule. Is that walking trail right near your home? that would be perfect for a lovely walk.
Nice card you made too-Happy T and rest of the week Kathy

My name is Erika. said...

You see some very interesting things on your walk Sharon. 2 turtles is a lot. And that is a big snapping turtle too. I like those pups too. They look like big friendly guys. And nice art too. You've been a busy person, but busy in the best way. Have a wonderful T day and week ahead. hugs-Erika

Kate Yetter said...

Your house looks lovely as well as your new plants. I have never seen a turtle with such a long that how you know it is a snapping turtle? Your card is so cute, I love the background.
Happy tea Day,

Amila said...

Beautiful photos from your trail. It is nice to see these adorable ducks. Walking around hoods is always interesting. It is great to see your encounter with turtles!
Happy T-day!

nwilliams6 said...

Looks like some interesting critters on your walks, Sharon. Lovely flag and new plants plus gun to find some drink pictures to share while scrapping. I always want to add art to my T-day postd too - the card you made is wonderful. It is very artsy and very cool. I commented on it at SCS, but love seeing it again here. Happy t-day and hugz

Lisca said...

Oh I love turtles/tortoises! We don't see them over here (apart from the pet shop). That snapping turtle has a long tail. I have never seen one before.
You are like me, always busy. But in spite of that, you managed a very ointeresting blog post. Thank you.
Happy T-Day,

J said...

Lovely to see you Sharon, I wondered where you had got to! Love the card, gorgeous colours, great crafty joke too.
what a lovely place to walk, lots of wildlife too, always amazes me in SF seeing all the wildlife on a walk around the neighbourhood. Have a great week, Hugs
Jan S

Valerie-Jael said...

I think that quote fits us all! Love the turtles, but the snapping ones can be dangerous. Nice to meet so many animals and people on your trail. Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

When I saw that turtle, I knew Lisca would appreciate it. They are her favorite animals to collect. I've never seen one with a tail like that before.

You have been busy. I like that card. Distress crayons? Please bring yours so I can see what they look like. And maybe you can show me how to use them. I immediately recognized the inchies as coming from Mrs. O'Leary's. Mine are mostly king and bird oriented, but I also purchased one of her kits that had about 14 stamps in it. Quite an investment for a person who doesn't stamp.

Nice image from 2019. It certainly has tea in it. Thanks for sharing your walk, your flag, your card, and your tea and dessert with us for T this Tuesday, dear friend.

Divers and Sundry said...

It's exciting to see creatures on walks, and you hit the jackpot! I love your wildlife photos :) Happy T Tuesday

Iris Flavia said...

You sound very busy, a good busy! Love your art, too.
I´ve never seen a turtle outside of a zoo... Happy T-Day

Lana said...

I've missed seeing your posts, so was glad to see this one. Quite a lot of interesting things on your walk this time. I got a laugh out of the funny quote about shopping and crafting!

CJ Kennedy said...

I love your gazing globe and your trail looks like a wonderful place to walk. I'd give the turtle a wide berth, too. Was that dessert? Beautifully plated. Happy T Day

Sharon Madson said...

Yes, it was a Valentine desert on our Valentine's cruise to the Hawaiian Islands.

Sharon Madson said...

Yes, that tail is how you know it is a snapping turtle. I looked it up online.

Empire of the Cat said...

The walking trail looks nice, I would love to see one of those turtles in person. Lovely card too, love the colours. Sorry I'm late, having commenting problems with blogger.
Happy T Day! Elle/EOTC xx

Margaret said...

Your photos of your walk are fabulous. Looks like you had a really nice time. Love your card. It's so eclectic. I used to do a lot of crafty shopping but since I retired, not so much. I have a ton of stuff already here from all the years before so time now to use what I have. I do purchase a few things now and then, but not like I used to.