Monday, December 10, 2018

T Stands For Too Much Goodness!

Luke 2:11 "For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord."

That is the way I feel, like I have been given too much goodness!  Today, I had friends over for a small brunch, Christmas gift exchange, so of course I had to have the house decorated and cleaned.  We had such wonderful fellowship, as we heard Christmas music in the background, and smelled the aromatic  candles in the background and felt the aura of  the lit tree.  I just felt God's goodness as I enjoyed the closeness of my deer friends.  I know it is early, so I guess I could say T Stands for Too Soon!  I do have about everything done, except gift wrapping and cards mailed.  I think most of them are made, but I keep adding to my list!  I have made some gift calendars.  I will show those another time after everyone gets theirs.  But here are some of the Christmas cards I have made.  I tried to make them all year round.  Most are one of a kind, but some I made several. I try to stamp the inside sentiment as well as the envelope.  If I don't, that makes a lot of work at the end.

For Elizabeth's T Stands For Tuesday over at Altered Book Lover, I took some photos of our outing on this past Wednesday.  We went to a Senior's Wednesday Christmas program at the Art Museum, which meant we got into the museum free, too.  They fed us a scrumptious concoction of ham in some kind of bread thing.  I didn't get a photo of that.  But we sat right under a piece of art!  We heard some delightful third graders sing some wonderful Christmas songs.
After the program,  we visited the Kansas Farm Photos exhibit.  I am so glad I got to see that, but sorry I missed the Monet exhibit!  We also went to one of our favorite rooms, (my husband and I), the Western artist Russell.  My husband loves the western paintings.
After leaving the museum we headed to a popular diner!  And I ordered something very sinful!
I saw this waffles and chicken on the menu, and since I have heard a lot about this food combo lately, I decided to try it.  It was absolutely to die for!  The waitress said to be sure and put a little waffle, syrup & Chicken and sausage and gravy on each bite.  It was soooo good!  You see there were two big chicken strips on there.  I took one off right away to bring home.  In the end the waitress also gave me a little bowl of more sausage and gravy.  I brought home half the waffle, one piece of chicken and lots of sausage and gravy, and that is right, bacon with chocolate on it!  I had another meal on Thursday! LOL

You notice how good my husband was!

Best Breakfast in Kansas! Just ask Harrison Ford!

Don't you just love that name!  This is a gem of a place, almost hidden under a US Highway!
Waving to all of you!  Thank you for stopping by!  I appreciate it when you let me know you were here!


kathyinozarks said...

Hi. sounds like you had a wonderful week-full of joy
Your food looks delicious too-I am making us biscuits and gravy at the lake house tomorrow- Happy T Kathy

Valerie-Jael said...

Sounds like you have been having fun with visitors and a trip to the museum with lovely food! Happy T Day, Valerie

chrissie said...

A joyful post and it sounds like you are enjoying your life.

The food looks good and if you could bring some home as well it is an extra I think

A Very Happy T Day

Love Chrissie xx

My name is Erika. said...

I recently tried chicken and waffles too, and you are so right. It is yummy. Sounds like you had a fun day out, and I am impressed that you can make holiday cards all year long. I haven't started my Christmas cards yet. Oh boy! Happy T day Sharon. Hugs-Erika

Linda Kunsman said...

Lovely cards and that glass sculpture is amazing!! Never had chicken and waffles. Glad you enjoyed it so much. happy T day!

Divers and Sundry said...

It looks like you are entering fully into the spirit of the season :) Happy T Tuesday!

Let's Art Journal said...

It sounds like you had such a wonderful time with your friends and your Christmas cards look amazing 😁. The restaurant looks like a great place to eat too and what a great to get leftovers the next day too - yum! Wishing you a happy T Day! J 😊 x

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Your cards are amazing. I love each and every one of them. They are truly beautiful. Sounds like you and your friends had a wonderful time getting together, too.

I asked Sally if she wanted to go to that meeting, but she didn't since she had aerobics that day. She can get me in free that way. That Chihuly sculpture is a true gem to the museum, isn't it? So is the Bridge. We are fortunate to have acquired them.

I've heard of that restaurant. Seems it won some award last year. I had chicken and waffles on my birthday last year, and they were fun. Glad you enjoyed yours. Water with lemon is my choice of drinks, too. SO much mark up on drinks. It's how they make their profit.

Thanks for sharing your cards, your trip to WAM, your time with friends, and your meals and water with us for T this Tuesday, Sharon.

Lisca said...

Wow! I love that glass art. It probably is made by Chihuly, a famous glass artist, with a particular recognisable style.
Chicken and waffles? I'm not too sure about that one... but I am always ready to try something new so I would surely try it.
Your cards are beautiful. I make my own cards but always struggle to get the sentiment on the card. I have a temperamental printer and it doesn't print well on all surfaces. And I don't have any sentiment stamps. I have seen them online, but they come from the US and the postage is more than $30! The cheapest postage I have seen is still $15.
You are right about so much goodness. I thank the Lord every day for his blessings. We too have lovely friends and have our own house and no debts. We live modestly but lack nothing don't lack anything. God is good!
Happy T-Day,

Meggymay said...

It sounds like you have had a lovely week, it is always good to spend time with friends.
The outing to the museum and seeing that awesome glass sculpture art would have been a super day out as well.
Your meal looked delicious.
Happy T day wishes,
Yvonne xx

Kate Yetter said...

Your Christmas cards with the beautiful nativity silhouettes are certainly gorgeous! And that piece of ceiling art at the art museum is something that I would not want to take my eye off of. Sounds like a wonderful way to spend the day.
I have never had chicken and waffles but anything with chocolate and bacon sounds yummy to me!
Happy Tea Day,

Dianne said...

What gorgeous Christmas cards you've made! they are so pretty.... and love the photo of the Chihuly glass sculpture! I adore his work. The diner would have gotten me in trouble too, I'm sure. You had more will power than I taking half of it home. :)
happy T day a bit late!

Eileen Bergen said...

Sorry to be so late to tea. The winter holiday time is always crazy busy for my business. Better late then never ;-)

I have a banner over our nativity that says, "Jesus is the reason for the season." Your posts are always a breath of fresh air to me, Sharon.

Your cards are absolutely beautiful. You must have an electronic cutter. You're more proficient with than I ;-) Every card looks just perfect - and perfect for the season.

We have a fabulous bronze by a Mexican artist, Luis Sanchez. People always ask if it's a Russell. I bet your husband would love it.

Bacon with chocolate? Hmmm ... I do love the restaurant name though.

Belated Happy T-Day! Eileen xoxo

Darla said...

How clever of you to make your cards over the year instead of trying to do a mad dash as the end of the year. I'm sure the friends on your mailing list will appreciate your thoughtfulness

pearshapedcrafting said...

Your outing looks great! I love the glass sculpture! Your meal loooks quite yummy,although I suspect all of your calories in one meal! A very belated Happy T Day,Chrisx

Margaret said...

Sounds like you have been having a great Christmas celebration. Your cards are fabulous of course. I started out making cards over the year, but got bogged down with school work. Now playing catch up. Hope you have a very Merry Christmas