Tuesday, March 13, 2018

WOYWW and T Stands for Tuesday Again!

Rejoice in the
Lord alway:
and again I say,
Phil 4:4

Not doing much crafting lately!  So, this is what my desk looks like!  I am showing you my desk because I am linking up with WOYWW over at Stamping Ground.  And that is what we do is show our workspace.  We get to see desks from all over the world.

I almost missed the T Party!   We are supposed to feature a drink and hook up to our hosts, Bluebeard & Elizabeth over Altered Book Lover.  The T Gang should be proud of me as  for once I just happened to have my iPad when we went out tonight, so have a photo of our drinks!

We had the  Classic American Deal Meal
 which included a hamburger, fries, root beer & a mudslide.  Sorry we ate it all before I remembered to take a photo!  I should have photographed the décor, all 50s, like record covers from albums of Ricky Nelson, Elvis Presley, Bobby Rydale, etc.
Another Teapot:

I really like this one, and had to show you both sides of it!  I think this one was a gift!  I think this one will be difficult to part with!

Pillow Top Technique for the background and a teapot die was used to create this teapot card.
Pillow Top Technique was from Gina K.

Thank you for stopping by!  Have a wonderful What's on Your Workdesk? Wednesday and hope you had a great T Stands for Tuesday!


jinxxxygirl said...

Happy T day Sharon! That is one pretty tea pot... I'm not sure i could part with it either. And your card is lovely. i just love the look of that technique. And i love the way the lid of the teapot is tilted. T day hugs! deb

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Where in the world do you live, Sharon? I know that Spangles is only in Kansas, so I feel we are close, especially after reading some of the comments you have left on some of my restaurant visits.

Your teapot is gorgeous. I was truly impressed with both sides. I can see why it might be difficult to let go.

I also like your teapot card. That die is incredible. I wish I had one. I have to cut my teapots out the old fashioned way: with scissors. Thanks for sharing your card, your teapot, and your Spangles drinks with us for T this Tuesday.

BTW, I have DESK ENVY. I am truly impressed with your setup!! Look at all those stamp pads. Incredible.

Let's Art Journal said...

Wow, I'm really impressed with your workspace! It is so neat and tidy and so well stocked with crafting goodies too 😁. Your teapot is so pretty with the beautiful flower design and I think I could quite happily eat your meal deal even though it's 6am here ...lol 😉. Your card is wonderful too, I love the springtime colours and sentiment - perfect! Wishing you a Happy T Day! J 😊 x

Valerie-Jael said...

I LOVE that teapot, and the card is gorgeous too. Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

johanna said...

a nice tea-post:) (though i´m sitting here with coffee, i enjoyed it). the pillow top technique in the background of your card is just awesome!
have a great week!

Lisca said...

Hello Foxy,
Glad you koined us after all. That was lucky that you had your iPad with you. And a shame that you didn't remember to photograph 'the joint' as I love to see traditional American diner type places and because of my age, I love all the nostalgia. I remember Bobby Rydell and Ricky nelson etc. Some of them are on my playlist too.
Lovely card! I must look into that pillow top technique.
Your teapot is gorgeous. It has a modern look about it and is totally useable. I would keep it if I were you.
You are way ahead of me on the Tahoe Lake Rim trail. But I look out for you every day. I go by the name of Olddutch. I have put in comments too, especially where you are asking where everybody is. I wrote 'I'm here Foxy grandma!'.
Happy (belated) T-Day,

Linda Kunsman said...

sounds like a fun place to eat Sharon. Your work are is so nicely organized!! I have to say, I am in love with that teapot-mostly because of that beautiful, delicate poppy. Sooo pretty, as is your tea card. Happy T day a day late:)

Sarah Brennan said...

Your workspace is fabulous Sharon, it is so well organised and tidy! Love the teapot and card to match lol. Have a good week. Sarah #10

Kelly said...

what a lovely tea pot! yes, parting with that one would be difficult. Love where you guys ate. Is that close to you? Someplace I can check out when I come? The colors for the card are so soft and springy... much unlike the 23* I have here this morning. Hugs! Kelly #28

Stacy Sheldon said...

Hi Sharon, ooh that teapot is just gorgeous :) I love the way the variety of blooms wrap around it. :) ~Stacy #28

Divers and Sundry said...

Your teapots are the _best_! Such a variety! I love the one you feature here. Those flowers are perfect as we watch spring unfold :) Happy T Day.

SusanLotus said...

Lovely card!
And beautiful teapots.
Happy woyww!
Sussie nr 24

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Lovely vintage teapots there! And the card is fantastic too, I bet you use that teapot die a lot, I would too!
Hugs LLJ 8 xxxx

shazsilverwolf said...

Hi Sharon, love that teapot, and I'm not a tea drinker! So beautiful.Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #3 XxX

Kate Yetter said...

What a beautiful teapot. Definitely looks vintage. Your teapot card is so adorable with the blue and the white. I need to get a teapot die.
Belated Happy tea day,

Helen said...

what an incredibly tidy desk! gorgeous teapot too. Helen #5

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

What a brilliant looking desk, so tidy too. Have a great woyww and a happy crafty week, Angela x9x

Jan said...

Great work desk. Happy WOYWW xx Jan (36)

Meggymay said...

I love that teapot, that would have to be a keeper for me.
Its a super card as well. Belated T day wishes.
Yvonne x

Lindart said...

Cute little teapot card! Perfect for "T"! Have a great week! Lindart #32

JD/ Jill said...

What a great desk area you have there. So organized and neat! (Mine is a total mess right now) I go in my craft room to tidy up my desk...find things that I had forgotten about...(finding them while I'm trying to tidy up) and start crafting and there goes my neat desk again.
I like your pretty teapot. I have some that were my Mother's but I forget about them because they are on a very high shelf in my dining room. This spring I must get out the step ladder and get them down and dust them (and maybe take some photos while I am at it!
I like the pretty card that you made.
We have a cafe not too terribly far from us...they are only open for breakfast and lunch. It's my favorite place to eat breakfast. I enjoy all the 50's decor. The 45 style records hanging on the walls...and all the pics of the artists from the 50's.

Eileen The Artful Crafter said...

Wow, I'm blown away by your craft desk, Sharon. What's on mine? A mess as usual - lol. The teapot is really very special. I would hang onto that one.

Your tea pot card is great. The pillow top background really looks dimensional. Thank you for the link to the video.

Happy T-day! Hugs, Eileen

pearshapedcrafting said...

Your work space looks amazing! Two teapots today.......I love the card and your flowery Tea pot is beautiful! I wish you had taken photos of the decor in the fast food place - Ricky Nelson was a great favourite of mine - I even had his photo on my bedroom wall! A very belated Happy T Day , Chrisx

Margaret said...

I'm impressed at how neat and clean you can keep your workspace. Even when I'm not doing anything, mine is always scattered with this and that. What a beautiful teapot. I don't see how you could part with any of them.