Wednesday, November 19, 2014

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday 285 & Enamel Dots

   Good morning WOYWW Deskers!   And good morning to the rest of you, too!  In retirement, my mornings begin later and later!  It has snowed here and has remained on the ground  for 4 days so far, and my Dear Husband and I are already suffering from cabin fever!  What will it be like in the dead of Winter?!  So, I went over and took a photo of my work desk for today's desk hop sponsored by Julia at Stamping Ground.  Check over there for all the details.  I have begun work on my gift calendars, well at least cutting them out.  Thanks to a dear Splitcoast friend, we will have them again this year!  Also, I am still working on the Virtual Srapbook Night Challenges which last the whole month on November on Splitcoast Stamper.  But, now will get this post up, and then go to the Mall to walk to get my 10,000 steps (at least).  These last four days I have made paths in my house from indoor walking! LOL
     This past week-end I went to a wonderful Ladies Bible Conference with Susan Heck as a speaker.  She is a wonderful inspiring speaker and spoke on Bible Memorization and the Titus 2 woman, dicipleship.  I came away with a new attitude to memorizing scripture, by the book.  I am beginning with Titus.  That is a small book. :)  Ask me about it from time to time and hold me accountable!!!!

    I have included some scrapbook pages I finished this last week.  I will come by and see you when I get back from my walking. Did you notice up in the right hand corner, that I am walking the Pacific Crest Trail, virtually?  Thank you for stopping by!  Oh, I almost forgot, several have emailed me and asked  for the Homemade Enamel Dots directions. Here it is: Enamel Dots Tutorial

What are those stickers on my Ott Lite organizer??? LOL

For our Alaskan Cruise Album
Road Trip

Also took part in Virtual Stamp Night card challenges.
The challenge was to use an ice cube on your card!


J said...

Hi Sharon, I soon get cabin fever too but looks like you have spent your time well, love the scrap pages, something I'm going to start when I get home, neat deck too!,

Jan x

Patrink said...

Nice, thanks for sharing.Love your Workdesk
Pat #65

Stacy Sheldon said...

It is not supposed to start snowing at my house until tomorrow ( I am so totally not ready for snow) so hopefully you guys can get out and go do something soon! it surprises me just how much room and clear space you have to work on. but, seeing as you scrap besides make cards it makes sense. ~Stacy #63

voodoo vixen said...

Sorry about the snow and being stuck indoors but I like the idea about walking at the mall... and you get to window shop at the same time! LOL Lovely scrap pages you have completed too. Annette #11

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Whereabouts in the US are you? We've seen a lot about the early snow on our UK news. It looks terrible and so early too. I hope you're stocked up with provisions and stuff.....
Love all your crafting, your LOs are fab :-)
Hugs, LLJ 18 xx

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Ah! retiremnt, love it, no getting up at the crack of dawn anymore or coming home in the dark.
Who ever it was who said you will get bored in retirement is mad. Hope you are managing to keep warm.
Have a great crafty week, Angela x 28

Chrysalis said...

What an amazingly neat desk, Sharon! A lovely card and great page, too. A great book, Titus - blessings as you study it. Have a lovely week, Chris # 8

Anne said...

Love your pages. I would like some snow but maybe not as much as you've been getting sounds dreadful. I want it when I don't have to travel anywhere as well :-)Lovely pages there. Belated greetings. Anne x #34

Angie said...

Love the layouts and the card is really cute! Thanks for coming by!
Angie #57

Fran said...

Wonderful pages!

itsamistry said...

FAbulous pages thank you for sharing. I'm playing catch up with visiting this week. Thank you for popping by Anita #35

Anonymous said...

Happy Belated WOYWW. I have been shocked by the pictures on our news of the weather in the US. We moan about our weather, but it is not as severe as your's. Loving the layouts. Ali x #42

Brenda "Disney Girl" said...

I LOVE the card you made using the ice cube. SO cute!! As always, I enjoy peeking at your workspace. Your layouts have inspired me to get back to scrapping my never ending Disney Halloween album :-) I need to get it finished. LOL!

@JoyceCasaldi said...

It always amazes me how tidy your work space is!