Delight thyself also in the LORD;
and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.
5 Commit thy way unto the LORD;
trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass. Psalms 37:4-5
By touring, I mean running around all over the city, not really, just downtown, where I normally do not go. It is our last day before a snowstorm, and then another behind it, too. I took advantage of the day and I met a friend for a brunch of soup and homemade cinnamon roll, no photos. We then went to three places I wanted to go to for shopping for a Valentine gift. First, I stopped and took a couple of photos of two more Keepers replicas to add to my collection.
One was right outside the diner where we ate, and the other was around the corner in front of a bank. I think there must be a couple hundred of these replicas of our Keeper of the Plains around Wichita. I linked you to the Wikipedia that tells you about our Keeper if you didn't know about it.
After I got my photos, my friend and I headed to Spice Merchant. Elizabeth has been talking about this for ages, so I wanted to see for myself. My friend got some coffee for her grandson, and I found a mug for me, my Valentine's gift to myself. My favorite one cracked last week when I poured hot water into it. I had used it for several years; don't know why it finally did this. Anyway, I looked for the one that said Foxy that Elizabeth saw and photographed, but the clerk couldn't find it for me. So, I got this one. It is dishwasher safe and microwavable.
They had added the extra room as a teashop since I had been there many years before. I don't know where the photos went that I took of the entry way into the teashop but can't find them. These mugs were out in the main part of the shop.
But inside the teashop near the windows, they had these stained-glass windows with the China imbedded in them. I thought they were pretty neat.
Next, we headed to Cocoa Dolce Chocolatier, and I forgot to take photos. They make upscale chocolate, and I was able to pick up a small gift.
Next, we headed to The Nifty Nut House and found more tasty stuff! I did take a photo of the entrance:
It is huge and they have every kind of chocolate and candy you can think of to buy by the pound or half pound.
By now, my friend was tired, so I took her back to her car at the diner. Then I went into a bookstore there. Oh, my goodness, they had lots of goodies. I found some items, but when I looked at the price put them back! LOL Nothing, I needed anyway. I took one photo in the bookstore. For our dog and cat lovers, I noticed these.
Finally, after a stop at the post office, I got home to a package: it was a prize I won. It was a surprise as I didn't know what I won. I happen to like 49 and Market and there were several items from them. The 12 by 12 pad of Spring paper has 40 double sided sheets of premium quality paper. I know I will like at least one side of each. Pretty nice prize.
Thanks for stopping by. Be sure and stop at Altered Book Lover and see Elizabeth. It is our once-a-week tea party or TSFT.
That looks like fun shopping and your hummingbird mug is really nice. I think I have 100 years worth of mugs! I resist buying new ones, even if one breaks. But I still see lots of tempting ones.
best… mae at
You look like you had a fun day out Sharon. I love going to parts of town or to close by towns that I don't get to often. and it's fun to see your views of the Spice Merchant too. Nice win too. I also really like 49 and Market. Have a super T day and week ahead. hugs-Erika
What a fun - and tempting! - day. Beautiful to replace your old one. But, oh, snowstorms still? I can´t wait for Spring... Happy T-Day.
The cup you bought is gorgeous! Love colibris! I had a plate cracking with a loud bang lately, after I put hot food on it. Made me think, if it had a small damage to the glazing or something. And thanks for sharing the info about the Keeper of the Plains. Very interesting. Happy T day!
Sorry you couldn't find the Foxy Grandma mug, but I like the hummingbird mug, too.
Yes, the Spice Merchant coffee is expensive. That's why getting a "free" pound each month is great.
I've seen about 20 of the Keepers, most of which are the new 150 year ones.
It's been ages since I went to The Nifty Nut House. I buy their fudge when I go there. I like chocolate cheesecake fudge. The best ever. Sally loves their nuts.
I loved the To Due List. I think they would go well in junk journals. Yes, Watermark is also expensive. Seems we both have expensive tastes when it comes to Wichita.
I've never been to Cocoa Dolce Chocolatier. Don't even know where it is. Congrats on your win. Do you think you will ever use the Unicorn stencil?
Thanks for sharing your trip around Wichita fun places with us and sharing your new mug for T this Tuesday, dear Sharon.
Looks like you had a fun day out, and I loved looking around with you 😊. Wishing you a very Happy T Day! Hugs, Jo x
Sounds like quite the adventures. Praying you stay safe in the coming snowstorm.
The hummingbird mug is super cute! You made a great choice, I think. The keepers are impressive. You had a nice shopping day, good use of the day before the snowstorm. I hope it won't be too bad. Stay safe! Happy T day.
Looks like a fun day out. Love the mugs, and the China in the stained glass windows.
Happy T day!
Thanks for taking me out shopping in downtown Wichita. Your mug looks lovely. I like seeing the Keeper.
Are you having a snowstorm now? I kniw I'm a day late in commenting. (I have visitors on a Tuesday so I always comment on Wednesday)
Stay safe,
Happy belated T-Day,
Sounds like a wonderful day, Sharon. I like the sculptures, the Spice Merchant pictures, and your new mug. I am addicted to book stores, but have a hard time paying the prices so I get most my books at the thrift store. How exciting you got a surprise prize package - it looks fun too! Happy T-day. Hugz
Dear Sharon,
oh it's interesting to see the Spice Merchant through your eyes - I've seen it through Elizabeth's eyes so far. The hummingbird mug is super adorable! Sometimes something breaks to make room for something new... I didn't know the Keepers of the Plains before - very interesting!
I congratulate you on your prize!
You asked me in your comment "Were those buffalo? They are very dangerous!" - No, they aren't buffalo, they are Scottish Highland cattle. They seem harmless to me, some of them let you pet them. But we saw buffalo/bison in 2024 in SLC on Antelope Island and in 2012 in Zion National Park. Very interesting sight, but I didn't want to pet them 😉
All the best and happy Valentine's Day 🥰😘😍, Traude
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