Monday, January 20, 2025

T Stands for Totally Junk Journaling

 Delight thyself also in the LORD;

and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.

5 Commit thy way unto the LORD;
trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass. Psalms 37:4-5

I meant to post earlier, but got distracted with this month's Julie, Dear Julie Junk Journal Challenge!  I have been working all day on it.  I am making a completely different kind of junk journal this month.  I am recycling an old 2 ring photo album into a junk journal.  I am really excited about it because it is so different.  It is even smaller than usual.  I made eight of the challenge pages today.

We are to use Julie, Dear Julie's digitals in our journals:

Photo album:

Double Pocket page made from recycled calendar.

Page from wallpaper with side pocket:

Page with recycled gift bag with side tuck and top tuck:

Well, that is what I have been doing!  Now for my ticket to TSFT over at Altered Book Lover, where Bleubeard and Elizabeth host a blog hop every Tuesday.  T stands for Tuesday.  Get it?  All you have to do to join the hop is have a drink reference in your blog post.  Oh, and I know it is Monday here in the states, but it is Tuesday for a lot of our bloggers in other countries.  Feel free to join or to blog hop and see what they all are doing.

Back to my ticket: It did warm up to almost 40 a couple of days this past week.  We took advantage and ventured out to eat at one of our favorite comfort food diners for comfort food!  So good!  We didn't have to eat but one meal that day. LOL

I appreciate your visit.  Please let me know you were here.  I hope you all have a wonderful week.  We are in the deep freeze again with our temps, and we even had snow flurries again today.  Our other snow is still here.   So, my parting words are STAY WARM!


Carola Bartz said...

You created some very cool pages, Sharon. I hope you keep warm with your freezing temperatures. Happy T day!

Iris Flavia said...

Great pages you´re at.
Oh, I can´t wait for Spring. Huge pot of tea right now in front of me - with that: Happy T-Day.

My name is Erika. said...

You do know how to junk journal Sharon. Your pages are great, and I bet you did have a lot of fun. Stay warm. And Happy T day and week ahead. hugs--Erika

Halle said...

LOVE the junk journal! Happy T day

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I was up at 5 am and the temp per KSN was -9F. Wind chill was even worse. They closed the schools last night so the kids didn't have to get out in this mess.

I love this new junk journal. I recently met a lady who has been making them since 2004. Somehow I never got into the phase, sticking with ABs instead. You really know how to put a book together. I especially like the page from wallpaper you made.

That sure looks like comfort food. And real butter, too! Thanks for sharing your junk journal, your meal, and your water with lemon for T this Tuesday,. dear friend.

Empire of the Cat said...

That looks like a lot of fun, I love junk journalling too. Junk Journal January is in full swing of course, but I am way behind because of life etc. Stay warm and happy T day!

Lisca said...

Yes, it's cold here too, but not as cold as over at yours. Your junk journal looks real fun to so. You have some cool supplies.
I don't recognize your comfort food. Is it mashed potatoes with sweetcorn and lasagna?
Happy T-Day,

nwilliams6 said...

Happy T-day! It seems it is cold everywhere! Your lunch looks really good. I really like the images you are using on your journal. Very cool. The pockets are really cool. Super project.

Lana said...

Such cute pages. Stay warm!!

Shelly Schmidt said...

I love looking at all of your creativity on your pages! Especially loving the pockets and the use of the digitals too. Your lunch looks yummy- and I can see why you do not need to eat again! LOL
Hugs my dear friend