Monday, September 2, 2024

Today & Anything Goes

“Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.”  Philippians 4:8 

 Hello, I am still here!  I had a great morning today because it finally cooled down and I was able to go walking!  I decided to join in with TSFT and with Aimeslee's Anything Goes Challenge over at **ART*JOURNAL*JOURNEY*.    I did this page inspired by her challenge, my walk and using prompts from my Mixed Media Joy Challenge over at SplitcoastStampers. 

Use 3 or more of the following:
Recycled household item
Blue or teal
Book page
Suggested Technique: anything using water

I did a page in my 7x10 art journal today. I water colored the base with different colors and some scribbling. Then I added washi (the stamps & the today and leaf), napkin, and book page. Then stamped birds, date, and some journaling that inspired my page. I wish my napkin had been woodsy but was I matching the color. I was just having fun, so doesn't matter, anything goes!

I almost forgot (because it has been so long!)  that I need a drink reference of some kind in order to join TSFT with Bleubeard & Elizabeth over at Altered Book Lover.  So, here is my favorite to go mug.  I will be taking it with me this weekend to a Ladies Bible Conference Retreat.

Thank you for stopping by.  Have a wonderful day!  


Mae Travels said...
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Mae Travels said...

I’m glad to see your art work which was missing the first time I visited today.
Have a good week… mae at

My name is Erika. said...

We're in a cool down and I'll be out walking tomorrow soon. Isn't it great to take a morning walk? That's a great page for Aimeslee's challenge too. Thanks for joining us at AJJ. It's nice to see you there. Have a super T day, start to September and rest of the week. hugs-Erika

Let's Art Journal said...

Fabulous page, the napkin pieces are so lovely 😊. Wishing you a very happy T Day! Hugs, Jo x

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

HMMM!! That napkin looks very familiar (grin). I love the watercolors you chose and I am thrilled you were able to walk today. That made the page even more special. Thanks for sharing it with us at Art Journal Journey using Aimeslee's theme.

That's a beautiful mug and perfect for your upcoming retreat. BTW, I was at Spice Merchant on Friday and saw a mug I think you would love: Foxy Grandma. I took a photo of it, but it is still in my camera. Thanks for sharing your to-go mug with us for T this Tuesday, dear friend.

Lana said...

The napkin seems to fit well with everything else. Cute mug!

Lisca said...

Great what you did with the napkin. Beautiful page.
Yes, that's a very suitable mug.
Happy T-Day,

Aimeslee Winans said...

Hope you enjoyed the conference, Sharon! I really like that you journaled about your walk. It's lovely and just perfect! Happy you have good walk weather too. We are getting some right now before Tropical Storm Francine comes in, and I'm grateful for the heat reprieve. And thanks for that wonderful Bible verse, I always love being reminded to fill my mind and heart with positive things! XOX