Monday, February 17, 2025

T Stands for Friends

   Delight thyself also in the LORD;

and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.

5 Commit thy way unto the LORD;
trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass. Psalms 37:4-5

Hello everyone and happy Monday.  We are getting ready for another snowstorm here!  What a Winter!  Thankfully we can stay in and craft!  I am having a fun time, as friends have stopped in for a visit for a few days.  And what is better than that?  Oh, yes, a friend who also papercrafts! LOL We even walked today on my trail!  Tomorrow it will be 8 degrees, today it was 31 when we went walking, but didn't feel too bad. 

Here is my ticket to the T Stands for Tuesday.  (Be sure and stop over at Altered Book Lover and our hostess, Elizabeth hosts the weekly blog hop.)

Comfort food at one of our favorite locally owned diners.  Livingstons has been around 1910.  We go to one of the newer ones.  It has fabulous homemade food, great service and is very senior friendly.  A tagline on it's website is "it brings back memories of a simpler time."  

Thank you for stopping by and hope you are warm where you are.  

Monday, February 10, 2025

T Stands for Touring Day

   Delight thyself also in the LORD;

and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.

5 Commit thy way unto the LORD;
trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass. Psalms 37:4-5

By touring, I mean running around all over the city, not really, just downtown, where I normally do not go.  It is our last day before a snowstorm, and then another behind it, too.  I took advantage of the day and I met a friend for a brunch of soup and homemade cinnamon roll, no photos.  We then went to three places I wanted to go to for shopping for a Valentine gift.  First, I stopped and took a couple of photos of two more Keepers replicas to add to my collection.  

One was right outside the diner where we ate, and the other was around the corner in front of a bank.  I think there must be a couple hundred of these replicas of our Keeper of the Plains around Wichita. I linked you to the Wikipedia that tells you about our Keeper if you didn't know about it.

After I got my photos, my friend and I headed to Spice Merchant.  Elizabeth has been talking about this for ages, so I wanted to see for myself.  My friend got some coffee for her grandson, and I found a mug for me, my Valentine's gift to myself.  My favorite one cracked last week when I poured hot water into it.  I had used it for several years; don't know why it finally did this.  Anyway, I looked for the one that said Foxy that Elizabeth saw and photographed, but the clerk couldn't find it for me.  So, I got this one.  It is dishwasher safe and microwavable.

They had added the extra room as a teashop since I had been there many years before.  I don't know where the photos went that I took of the entry way into the teashop but can't find them.  These mugs were out in the main part of the shop.

But inside the teashop near the windows, they had these stained-glass windows with the China imbedded in them.  I thought they were pretty neat.

Next, we headed to Cocoa Dolce Chocolatier, and I forgot to take photos. They make upscale chocolate, and I was able to pick up a small gift.

Next, we headed to The Nifty Nut House and found more tasty stuff!  I did take a photo of the entrance:

It is huge and they have every kind of chocolate and candy you can think of to buy by the pound or half pound.  

By now, my friend was tired, so I took her back to her car at the diner.  Then I went into a bookstore there.  Oh, my goodness, they had lots of goodies.  I found some items, but when I looked at the price put them back! LOL Nothing, I needed anyway.  I took one photo in the bookstore. For our dog and cat lovers, I noticed these.

Finally, after a stop at the post office, I got home to a package: it was a prize I won. It was a surprise as I didn't know what I won.  I happen to like 49 and Market and there were several items from them.  The 12 by 12 pad of Spring paper has 40 double sided sheets of premium quality paper.  I know I will like at least one side of each. Pretty nice prize.

Thanks for stopping by.  Be sure and stop at Altered Book Lover and see Elizabeth.  It is our once-a-week tea party or TSFT.

Monday, February 3, 2025

T Stands for Chinese New Year!


  Delight thyself also in the LORD;

and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.

5 Commit thy way unto the LORD;
trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass. Psalms 37:4-5

I finished another journal and gave it as a gift to a friend at church for her birthday.  I pretty much personalized special it for her, with her color, and favorite poem, and some things I knew she liked.  She loved it.  I will share some photos of it.

I constructed the cover by sewing the fabric onto a padded mailer.  This fabric was from my stash and was perfect!  I have no idea where I got it but used every bit of it for this journal.

Inside of front cover with pocket.  I made a writing board with an 
Edith Wray digital(Scrapbooking with Me on YouTube) on the front and the words of the song she liked on the back.  Also showing a recycled journal page. 

Below is the back of the recycled journal page and another of Edith Wray’s digitals.

This is a recycled page from a very old hymnal that I bought at a garage sale.

This is another digital and some braille paper.

This is the back of the braille paper, more digitals and I added some stickers I had, and some 49 and Market elements.

This is a recycled envelope, doily on left. On right I created a belly band with one of the digitals and put a bookmark I made under it.  I stamped a quote from her favorite poem, Footprints on it. Also, this is a full page pocket and I put a large photo of us in it.

This is the last page with pocket with a small notepad I made her, and bookmark.

This is just a couple of the pages as it had 60.

For my ticket to TSFT, I have some photos of a Chinese New Year event we went to.  And there might be a beverage in one of the photos.

This was supposed to be a video but couldn't get it on here.

The food was delicious, and the entertainment fun!

Well, it was a gorgeous day here except for a cool wind. Now a cold front coming in!  I did walk a little. Be sure and check out T Stands for Tuesday over at Altered Book Lover.  Thanks for stopping by and have a great week!

Monday, January 27, 2025

T Stands for Totally done with January Junk Journal!

  Delight thyself also in the LORD;

and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.

5 Commit thy way unto the LORD;
trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass. Psalms 37:4-5

Yes, I am totally done with this month's Dear Julie Junk Journal Challenge!

It has 60 pages with lots of room for journaling.  The above are a couple of favorite pages.

My ticket from the archives for TSFT. I found this from February our 2018 Hawaiian cruise.

Happy T Day everyone!  Thanks for stopping by!

Monday, January 20, 2025

T Stands for Totally Junk Journaling

 Delight thyself also in the LORD;

and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.

5 Commit thy way unto the LORD;
trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass. Psalms 37:4-5

I meant to post earlier, but got distracted with this month's Julie, Dear Julie Junk Journal Challenge!  I have been working all day on it.  I am making a completely different kind of junk journal this month.  I am recycling an old 2 ring photo album into a junk journal.  I am really excited about it because it is so different.  It is even smaller than usual.  I made eight of the challenge pages today.

We are to use Julie, Dear Julie's digitals in our journals:

Photo album:

Double Pocket page made from recycled calendar.

Page from wallpaper with side pocket:

Page with recycled gift bag with side tuck and top tuck:

Well, that is what I have been doing!  Now for my ticket to TSFT over at Altered Book Lover, where Bleubeard and Elizabeth host a blog hop every Tuesday.  T stands for Tuesday.  Get it?  All you have to do to join the hop is have a drink reference in your blog post.  Oh, and I know it is Monday here in the states, but it is Tuesday for a lot of our bloggers in other countries.  Feel free to join or to blog hop and see what they all are doing.

Back to my ticket: It did warm up to almost 40 a couple of days this past week.  We took advantage and ventured out to eat at one of our favorite comfort food diners for comfort food!  So good!  We didn't have to eat but one meal that day. LOL

I appreciate your visit.  Please let me know you were here.  I hope you all have a wonderful week.  We are in the deep freeze again with our temps, and we even had snow flurries again today.  Our other snow is still here.   So, my parting words are STAY WARM!

Monday, January 13, 2025

T Stands for This & That

4 Delight thyself also in the LORD;
and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.
5 Commit thy way unto the LORD;
trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass. Psalms 37:4-5

 We still have a lot of snow.  I can't remember when I was away from home.  Maybe when I went to the doctor on January 3rd?  My husband went to the store one day in between our snowstorms and it was terrible out then.  He didn't try going out anymore except to shovel.  Our neighbor shoveled the first snow, but hubby has been doing it since.  He has our driveway clear, but our deck is a lost cause because the sun never hits it. 

I have been working on a scrapbook layout today, even playing with stencils and modeling paste. The photo shows how much the snow was coming down on Thursday, January 9th.  I couldn't even get the door open!

Now for my ticket to TSFT over at Altered Book Lover with our hostess Elizabeth, and our host Bleubeard. We have to include a drink reference on our blog post as an entry to her blog hop party. This is difficult since we haven't been anywhere.  I will dig into my archives.   Here is a photo of a teapot card from 2016! LOL  You are invited to stop over and visit the ones who link up to the party.

Thanks for stopping by.  Please leave a comment so I know you were here.  I really appreciate it. Hopefully, I will see you next week!